Insurance Claims Welcomed
High Country Cleaning has built its reputation and is a highly respected Water & Smoke Damage Restoration Company. We have an excellent reputation with all insurance companies and local insurance agents. We are often called to re-do or take over for other less experienced restoration company projects who are doing an unsatisfactory job.
Forced to use a Preferred Provider?
When you call your insurance company 1-800 number, many policyholders hear: “We [the insurer] have a Preferred Service Providers list of recommended contractors, all of whom have been vetted for quality and reliability. You can also choose your own contractor, however, if you choose from our Preferred Service Providers list, we [the insurer] will guarantee the work and arrange repairs if it’s not completed properly.” These customer service representatives can be anywhere in the country (or the world); and are not familiar with the local restoration companies or their quality of service.
Please remember, you have the legal right to select any restoration company you wish. Preferred Service Provider (“PSP”) lists are a money saving tool for insurance companies. Contractors on an insurer’s PSP list agree to complete the scope of repair work approved by the insurer at a price determined by the insurer. While the insured may gain piece of mind knowing their insurer will guarantee the contractor’s work if the work is poor or incomplete, it is important to note that High Country Cleaning is who the local insurance adjuster calls when the work has to be taken over or re-done; adding additional time to an already stressful, restoration project.
High Country Cleaning stands behind its work. Has a very high customer satisfaction rate. And is the preferred choice by the local insurance adjusters. If you want the job done right the first time, from a company experienced with working with all insurance companies, call High Country Cleaning. For your peace of mind during this difficult situation!